Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thursday Tweets in Review - 2/5/12

Here's Thursday's feature where I present some of my (and other people's) funniest or most relevant tweets from the past week. Let the fun begin!

(Admittedly, I didn't tweet too much original material this week so this may be a little heavy with other people's tweets.)

No need for an explanation on this one.

If you've ever seen a David Blaine special, you know what he means.

It's funny because it's true.

My improv friend Amy is darn funny and worth the follow.

This stupidity arose this week. I know they do good work so I'm extremely disappointed that the organization folded in this regard to religious zealots.

Again, it's funny because it's true... but in this case, the truth isn't so funny.

If you haven't been to Morgan's Markerpiece Theater, go now. I'll wait. *taps fingers a while* Was I right? Hilarious stuff!